Amanda Esmailian Influencer on Instagram

@itssueatss / /

Food & Recipes

Canada / Toronto

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Hey! I’m Amanda and I love making (and eating) macro-friendly recipes. I created fitfood_ae so I could: -Share my high protein, lower calorie recipes to help others reach their fitness goals without sacrificing their favourite foods -Provide nutritional guidance to help others reach their fitness goals (ie weight loss, weight gain, reverse diet) -Educate people on reverse dieting to help them break the cycle of being in a constant calorie deficit and feeling the need to binge I'm 26 years old and have been living in Toronto, Ontario for 4 years. I've been vegetarian for 6.5 years. I work in software sales as an Account Executive and work on fitfood_ae in my spare time.Qualifications: NASM Certified Nutrition Coach, NASM Certified Personal Trainer (in progress), Bachelor of Business Admin

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  • Basic Plan
  • Native review
  • 5 Stories
  • $ 90

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